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  • Our Curriculum


    In Nursery we have curriculum goals for each area of learning. These curriculum goals are what we hope all of our children demonstrate when leaving Nursery ready for Reception.

    Long Term Plan

    Autumn 1 2024

    Our main theme for learning

    this half term is…

    ‘All about me’

    Throughout this topic, we will have the opportunity to get to know each other and make some new friends. We will look at the unique things about us such as what we look like and where we live.


    • For children to develop positive relationships with children and adults in nursery.  
    • To share their knowledge of themselves and others, including their family.  
    • To find out about what we enjoy in nursery, talking about our play, things we like and dislike and our achievements.  
    • To talk about how we are feeling.  
    • To listen and respond to what other people say, talking about the same theme of conversation.  
    • To speak in a simple sentence.  
    • To ask simple questions to find out more information.

    Key vocabulary to understand and use in a sentence: 

    family, Mum/Mummy, Dad/Daddy, Grandma, Grandad, aunt, uncle, cousin, friends, special, unique, feelings, happy, excited, sad, sharing, caring. 

    I like… 

    I feel happy when I…

    Ways to support your child this half term:

    • Support your child to wash their hands thoroughly. We sing ‘1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive’ at nursery to support them to wash for 20 seconds.
    • Talk about special events and experiences with your child, for example, birthdays, holidays, days out.
    • Talk about the seasons. Discuss what the weather is like in summer and autumn. What clothes do we wear?
    • Look at photos of family members and talk about who they are.
    • Talk about similarities and differences within their family.
    • Let your child help match up their socks. Talk about the colours and patterns.
    • Sing nursery rhymes together. 
    • Play games together that encourage sharing and turn-taking.
    • Encourage your child to tidy away their own toys.

    Some of the stories we will be sharing at nursery:


    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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