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  • Our Curriculum


      Autumn 1 - All About Me! Autumn 2 - Let’s Celebrate Spring 1 - Stories Spring 2 - Shapes Are Everywhere Summer 1 - In the Garden Summer 2 - People Who help Us

    Story bus visit

    Christmas sing-a-long

    Visiting school library Visit to the park

    Planting seeds

    Trip to the farm

    PCSO visit

    Sports Days

    Graduation assemblies

    Key Texts - Cycle A

    Key Texts - Cycle B





    Mark making

    Print in the environment - logos

    Mark making

    Print in the environment - logos

    Retelling instructions Make celebration cards Name writing

    Mark making

    Print in the environment - logos

    Retelling stories

    Name writing

    Mark making

    Print in the environment - logos


    Name writing

    Mark making

    Print in the environment - logos

    Name writing


    Mark making

    Print in the environment - logos

    Name writing



    Subitising, sorting, colour recognition, finger numbers to 3, number recognition to 3, making marks to represent numbers, 2D shapes, repeating patterns, prepositions

    As previous term plus counting out objects from a larger group, comparing quantities, discussing routes linked to key texts, writing numerals, 3D shapes, discussing route to school As previous term plus solving real world mathematical problems
    Understanding the World

    Exploring natural and man-made objects

    Sharing own experiences

    Baking bread

    Learning about celebrations


    Making pancakes

    Looking at shapes in the environment

    Routes to school

    Learning about common plants and minibeasts

    Learning about different occupations

    Seasonal change is taught throughout the year
    Expressive Arts and Design Self portraits, colour recognition and colour mixing, using malleable materials, singing and performing nursery rhymes and Christmas songs. Using shapes appropriately for tasks, using recycling to make models, Artist study (Alma Thomas - cycle A/Iris Scott - cycle B) Observational paintings, showing emotions in drawings, singing and learning songs for end of year Graduation assembly


    Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development are carefully planned for throughout the year and delivered in a variety of ways, including through high-quality provision, whole-class, small group and individually. 

    In Nursery we have curriculum goals for each area of learning. These curriculum goals are what we hope all of our children demonstrate when leaving Nursery ready for Reception.

    Long Term Plan





    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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