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  • Our Curriculum


      Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
    Experiences Swimming (All year) 

    Mosque Visit, Theatre trip, Christmas Workshop

    Literature festival, Northern Arts Workshops, Royal Armouries Rodley Nature Reserve

    Stockeld Park (Adventure Week)

    Armley Mills

    Writing Unit Character descriptions First-person narrative, Poetry

    Persuasive writing, Descriptive writing, non-chronological report

    Creative writing, Diary writing, Poetry Descriptive writing, persuasive writing Suspense writing, non-chronological report
    Maths Place Value, Addition and Subtraction  Area, Multiplication and Division

    Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter

    Fractions, Decimals


    Decimals, Money, Time Shape, Statistics, Position and Direction
    Science  Electricity  States of matter  Sound   Animals including Humans  Living Things 
    History   Black History Pablo Fanque  Romans     Victorians
    Geography North America Comparison of North America and Leeds     Hurricanes and Cyclones  
    DT   Electrical Fans



    Textiles Bendy Bags    Felting 


    Georgia O'Keeffe



    Jae Jarrell



    Alexander Calder




    Abba - Mama Mia

    Christmas Performance  Stop!  Lean on Me Blackbird Reflect, Rewind and Replay
    Spanish Phonetics (a) Family  Goldilocks Habitats Classroom My Home 
    PE Badminton / Swimming Netball / Swimming Gymnastics / Swimming Tag Rugby / Swimming Athletics / Swimming  Rounder/Cricket /Swimming 
    RE What faiths and beliefs can be found in the community? How do the five pillars help Muslims to live a good life?  How do ancient stories influence modern celebrations? How are the stories of holy week important to Christians?    How do the lives of the Gurus inspire Sikh beliefs? 


    Playing Safe 

          Making Choices

    What is important to me?

    Growing and Changing

    Computing Internet -Online safety and hardware investigators Word Processing - Writing for different audiences Coding Data Handling with spreadsheets Communication - Logos and effective searching  Creativity - Animation and making music 

    Autumn Term

    Science - Electricity Knowledge Organiser

    Geography - United States of America Knowledge Organiser

    Science - States of Matter Knowledge Organiser

    Spring Term

    History - The Romans

    Science - Sound

    Summer Term

    Science - Animals including Humans

    Victorians Knowledge Organiser

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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