PE- Year 4's PE day will be Tuesday. On this day, children will need to wear school PE kit. This consists of: a plain white t-shirt, plain navy or black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms/ thick full length leggings and a plain navy or black jumper if required.
Swimming - Each class will have swimming lessons for 1 hour on alternate Tuesdays (see letter emailed with dates for each class).
Library - Our library slot is a Monday. Each class will visit the library every week
Homework- Year 4 will be set homework in their reading planners every Friday. This needs to be completed by the following Thursday. Regular use of Times Tables Rockstars (at least 10 minutes once a week) and two activities on Spelling Shed are also extremely beneficial. Children also must read regularly at home (see below).
Planners- Planners need to be in school daily so children can record their reading and merits. Children should read at home AT LEAST three times a week from their reading scheme book or any other appropriate book, including on Reading Buddy. A signature is required weekly from a parent or carer. Planners will be checked every Friday.