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Our Curriculum


Literacy is at the core of everything we do at Pudsey Waterloo Primary School. If children cannot read, write and communicate effectively, they cannot access the curriculum and more importantly, contribute positively to society, as they get older.

At Waterloo, we understand that for children to be successful readers and writers, they must also be confident speakers and listeners.  Communicating thoughts, feelings and emotions is a vital life skill, which we support children to develop in all our lessons. Whether it is using a talk partner, sharing ideas with the class or speaking in a school assembly, we model, promote and teach high levels of communication skills and promote 'Active Listening' and 'Skilled Speaking' in all our classrooms.  Key vocabulary which we wish the children to learn and use is identified and taught in all curriculum areas and lessons.  Children at Pudsey Waterloo Primary School are encouraged to use the power of language to make a difference to their learning and the wider community.  Children have regular opportunities to speak to an audience and to perform stories, plays, and poetry, or debate ideas with their peers.

You can see examples of posters illustrating Active Listening and Skilled Speaking below.

There are also further links explaining our approaches to reading and writing here at Pudsey Waterloo.

Literacy Curriculum Map

Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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